English as an Additonal Language

English as an Additonal Language

澳门足球博彩官方网址 EAL PROGRAM

The English as an Additional Language Program at Vincennes University is an intensive English language acquisition program. Classes are small, between 10 to 20 students. Students focus on developing listening, speaking, reading, and writing comprehension. In addition, students practice pronunciation and expand their vocabulary. The classes are eight weeks long. Full-time students take two classes per semester and are in class 20 to 25 hours per week. The smaller class size allows the students the opportunity to receive individual attention, weekly feedback, and participate in meaningful class activities. The classes prepare the students for college level work and the work world.

Vincennes University was one of the first two-year colleges in the nation to offer an ESL program. With more than thirty years of experience, we have a proven success record of teaching English to international and resident students. Students are placed in ESL classes based on their proficiency. Vincennes University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.


If you are an International Student interested in EAL classes or attending Vincennes University, please email Admissions at INTSTUDENT@VINU.EDU or visit the INTERNATIONAL STUDENT AFFAIRS PAGE.

There are two 8-week sessions per semester for full-time students and one 16-week session for part-time students. Full-time students attend 20 hours per week and part-time attend for 10 hours per week.

Sixteen week EAL courses meet synchronously and in-person on TuWR 8 AM - 11:00 AM for 16 weeks. Eight week EAL courses meet: synchronously and in-person on MTuW 8 AM - 11:00 AM and 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM and Th 8-11 AM.

Some levels of Distance Education (online) EAL courses are available. Distance Education EAL courses meet asynchronously via 澳门足球博彩官方网址’s learning management system, Blackboard. Distance Education EAL students may attend office hours via Zoom or another videoconferencing platform.

Community Member Class

  • EALG 086 Community Member Class (1 credit hour course). This class is for resident students who want to improve their English proficiency. Students can choose one hour a week that they want to attend EAL class. EAL classes for Fall 2020 are offered Monday-Tuesday 8:30-11 AM and Tuesday-Wednesday 12:30-2:30 PM, but students are encouraged to choose their hour based on what English skills they want to work on. On Monday mornings, we discuss grammar. On Tuesday mornings, we work on speaking, listening, and conversing. On Tuesday afternoons, we read and discuss news articles. On Wednesday afternoons, we read and discuss fiction novels.

Intensive English Program Track

  • EALG 090 Pre-EAL
  • EALG 091 Beginning EAL
  • EALG 092 Low Beginning EAL 2
  • EALG 093 High Beginning EAL 3
  • EALG 094 Low Intermediate EAL 4
  • EALG 095 High Intermediate EAL 5
  • EALG 096 Advanced EAL

College Credit Class to support our students during first year at Vincennes University

  • EALG 100 Bridge Class

Summer Intensive Language Institute for students who desire to learn English as quickly as possible

  • EALG 097 Intensive Institute

Special Course Offering designed for students with specific educational goals

  • EALG 098 Special Language Purpose


If you are an international student interested in EAL/ESL classes or attending Vincennes University, please email Admissions at INTSTUDENT@VINU.EDU. If you are a resident student who would like to take EAL/ESL class please email 澳门足球博彩官方网址ADMIT@VINU.EDU.

If you are interested in learning English and enrolling in EALG/ESL classes as a non-degree seeking student, please complete the APPLICATION and ADMISSIONS INFORMATION FORM.


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